Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mommy's Top 10

Today I was thinking about some of the things I've said to my kids over the last few years that I never thought I'd say. I compiled a list of some of my favorites, and here they are:

Mommy's Top 10 Things I've Said That I Never Thought I Would--

(10)"Whoever put the bugger on the window is responsible for removing it!"

(9)"Boys, don't pee on your sister!"

(8)"Taylor, get the fork out of your nose."

(7)"Anyone can look out of any window they want to in the van; no one owns a window and no one has the right to prevent anyone else from looking out of any windows."

(6)"I'd rather you throw up in your bed than on the carpet."

(5)"I hope that cricket JP ate was not covered in bugspray."

(4)"Jared, if you need to use the potty, go inside and don't just go #2 in the backyard grass."

(3)"Zachary, once something goes in the toilet, you do not never take it out!"

(2)"Why did you put that in your nose? Well, let's blow it out."

And my favorite...
(1)I love you more than anything in the whole world. And I mean it."


  1. There used to be an old radio show called "Kids Say The Darndest Things"....well, you prove that mothers do too.

  2. "Don't pee on your sister!" Oh my!
